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My mission is to do what I can to help America develop a more efficient healthcare system. My bias is that a well-supported family physician workforce is the foundation for an improved system, though much more needs to change in the U.S. to approach the cost-effectiveness of all the other developed countries of the world.

The details of my message are not typically discussed in the American media. Real solutions will require fresh approaches. Unfortunately to face the real issues, difficult truths must be acknowledged and addressed.

If your organization is willing to consider a few outside-the-box ideas on healthcare reform, I would love to engage Americans not in the healthcare arena (and healthcare people too). Because I live in Fort Worth, I’m a non-stop flight away from most of the U.S.

If you’d like me to speak for any size group, or you would like to discuss issues with me privately, email me at american@healthscareonline.com.

5 Responses to Speaking/Contact

  1. mike wilson on January 10, 2012 at 12:33 pm

    i hope, since you will be helping to shape what happens, you will hear what a patient has to think. i agree about family docs,except with the payment like it is we are finding mostly bad docs. the only ones willing to be paid that low. i looked for one for 4.5 hours to find one that would take medicare.i also think that to cut cost would allow someone like me, i see my heart doc every 3 months for problems, that instead of me seeing other doctors , that she could handle all of my care. since she does blood work,ekg, echo,all my needs except diabetes which i have to go to another doc. quad-bypass, artoic valve replacement,acidreflux,knees,

    • Richard Young MD on January 10, 2012 at 9:58 pm

      Mr. Wilson,

      Thanks for the comment. Of course I don’t know anything about you other than what you just wrote, but let me throw out the thought that blood work, EKG, and an echo every three months sounds like massive overkill to me.

      Talk this over with a family physician who gets to know you and your wishes. (I know, it’s hard to find one who takes Medicare these days.)

  2. Richard Young MD on March 31, 2013 at 8:36 pm


    Thanks for your interest. I’m going to try to stay pure and not accept advertising.

    Richard Young

  3. E Blackwell on March 26, 2015 at 8:35 pm

    You may be interested in shining a light on “physician wellness” programs. A relatively unexplored topic and the worst of the worst. take a look at http://disruptedphysician.com/blog/

  4. Jennifer on November 25, 2016 at 11:25 am

    Dear Dr. Young,
    I recently read a post authored by you titled “Blame the Politicians and Bureaucrats for our opioid use crisis” published on KevinMD blog. I was not surprised by the findings that Drug companies muscled their influence to increase pain management prescriptions. I was encouraged by your message of education and thinking outside the box for physicians when considering options for pain management. However, your message fell short of a key consideration. How do individual patients respond to the medicine they are prescribed? Stated more clearly…Where does PGx testing fit into the conclusions doctors are making for treatment? Further more why isn’t this type of screening done routinely like any other test? The answer falls into education, and thinking outside of the pill box.
    I would very much appreciate entering into a conversation with you about this practice.
    I look forward to hearing from you.
    All the best,

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